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in Jobs / 22.06.2023

Working Student (part time) or Intern (full time) Acquisitions & Business Affairs - m/f/x Prorom Media-Trade, Munich/German

About us:
The Prorom group is an established key player in feature film distribution across Central and Eastern Europe, constantly expanding its portfolio since 30 years, with local offices in Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and The Netherlands. The group has long been maintaining a successful culture of „remote teams“ with members from different local offices collaborating in functional setups.

About the role:
Reporting to the company’s Munich-based Acquisitions & Business Affairs Manager you will support the company’s film acquisitions activities, including all contractual and administrative tasks related to it.

You will support the COO and the Acquisitions & Business Affair Manager in:
- Organizing the company’s participation in key acquisitions markets
- Evaluation of new projects of interest for the company
- Contract management
- Database Management
- Administrative tasks related to sales activities to multi-territory clients
- Preparation of post-market acquisitions presentations and overviews
- Checking with Licensors on the status of upcoming titles

You have:
- Passion for and a substantial knowledge of film and series
- Good self-organizational skills, a high level of commitment and reliability
- Sound knowledge of MS Office (especially Outlook, Teams and PowerPoint)
- Very good command of English
- The ability to work in cross-cultural/cross-functional and (partially) remote teams

It would be a plus if you have:
- Knowledge of German, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian and/or Slovak
- First experiences with or understanding of databases
- First experiences in the film industry
- Knowledge of Adobe Photoshop

Your perks:
- Gaining first-hand insights into all aspects of independent film distribution
- Flexible working hours
- A centrally located office in the middle of Schwabing
- Fair compensation

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch in case you have any further questions. Otherwise, we are looking forward to your application containing your CV, your desired salary, and your earliest starting date to

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in Jobs / 05.06.2023

Werkstuden:in Office Manager (m/w/d) ab sofort in München Schwabing

Wir, die in München ansässige PROROM Media-Trade GmbH, sind seit 30 Jahren ein Key Player im Bereich Filmrechtehandel und Filmdistribution.

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine(n) Werkstuden:in im Bereich Office Managment (m/w/d).

Deine Verantwortlichkeiten:

•    Abwicklung von administrativen Bürotätigkeiten, wie:
Aufrechterhalten eines sauberen und reibungslos funktionierenden Büroumfelds, Koordination des bürointernen Einkaufs, Kommunikation mit Lieferanten/Dienstleistern und der Hausverwaltung, Bearbeitung des Posteingangs und -ausgangs, sowie vereinzelt Annahme und Weiterleitung von Telefonaten.
•    Mithilfe bei der Reiseplanung für interne und externe Mitarbeiter (Geschäftsreisen, Märkte, etc.)
•    Mithilfe bei der Vorbereitung von Workshops, Schulungen, Events, etc.
•    Unterstützung der Finanzabteilung (Kreditkarten- und Reisekostenmanagement, usw)

Dein Profil:
•    Du besitzt Organisationstalent, Engagement und Zuverlässigkeit
•    Du bist sicher im Umgang mit gängigen MS-Office-Anwendungen
•    Teamfähigkeit und Kommunikationsgabe, sowie Eigeninitiative und selbstständige Arbeitsweise zählen zu Deinen Stärken
•    sehr gute Deutsch- und Englisch-Kenntnisse in Wort und Schrift runden Dein Profil ab (wir kommunizieren hauptsächlich auf Englisch, daher kommen wir hier nicht drum herum ?)

Wir bieten Dir:
•    ein Unternehmensklima, das durch einen kooperativen und teamorientierten Umgang bestimmt ist
•    ein abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet in einem dynamischen Umfeld, welches Dir eine fachliche, wie auch persönliche Weiterentwicklung ermöglicht
•    Möglichkeit der Teilnahme an unserem Teambuilding
•    leistungsorientierte Vergütung
•    ein Büro in Schwabing mit guter Verkehrsanbindung

Fühlst Du Dich angesprochen, dann sende uns bitte Deine Bewerbung unter Angabe Deiner Gehaltsvorstellung an Frau Anna Bühler unter folgender E-Mail-Adresse:

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in Jobs / 05.06.2023

FINANZBUCHHALTER/IN (m/w/d) in Vollzeit ab sofort zu besetzen:

Wir, die in München ansässige PROROM Media-Trade GmbH, sind seit 30 Jahren ein Key Player im Bereich Filmrechtehandel und Filmdistribution.

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt in Vollzeit eine/n motivierte/n "FINANZBUCHHALTER/IN (m/w/d)".

Deine Verantwortlichkeiten:
•    Bearbeitung und Verbuchung aller laufenden Geschäftsvorfälle der Kreditoren-, Debitoren- und Sachkontenbuchhaltung
•    Bearbeitung der Input Daten aus Vorsystemen inkl. der Folgeprozesse
•    Fakturierung von Ausgangsrechnungen
•    Prüfung und Verbuchung von Eingangsrechnungen, Bank- und Kassenbelegen
•    Abwicklung des Zahlungsverkehrs
•    Überwachung der Debitorenkonten und Durchführung des Mahnwesens
•    Überwachung der kreditorischen Sollposten und die OP-Verwaltung
•    Korrespondenz mit Dienstleistern und Kunden auf Deutsch und Englisch
•    Unterstützung bei der Optimierung der Buchhaltungsprozesse

Dein Profil:
•    Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung, idealerweise als Bilanzbuchhalter/in oder als Steuerfachangestellte/r
•    Fundierte Kenntnisse im Handels- und Steuerrecht sowie in den Bereichen Finanz-, Kreditoren- und Debitorenbuchhaltung sind sehr willkommen
•    Sehr gute Kenntnisse von MS Office insbesondere MS Excel und Word
•    DATEV und SAP-Kenntnisse sind wünschenswert
•    Deutsch und Englisch mindestens C2
•    Du hast Freude an der Arbeit mit Zahlen, bist bereit Dich schnell in neue Themen ein-zuarbeiten und willst Deine Fähigkeiten weiterentwickeln
•    Du bringst eine strukturierte, analytische und lösungsorientiere Arbeitsweise sowie ein hohes Maß an Eigeninitiative mit.
•    Du besitzt Kommunikationsstärke, Organisationsgeschick und ausgeprägte Team¬fähigkeit (internationales Team)

Wir bieten Dir:
•    ein Unternehmensklima, das durch einen kooperativen und teamorientierten Umgang bestimmt ist
•    ein abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet in einem dynamischen Umfeld, welches Dir eine fachliche, wie auch persönliche Weiterentwicklung ermöglicht
•    Teilnahme an unserem Teambuilding und unserem Office Exchange Programm
•    30 Urlaubstage, Sachbezüge und gesundheitsfördernde Maßnahmen wie Pilates
•    leistungsorientierte Vergütung
•    die Möglichkeit flexiblen Arbeitens hinsichtlich Zeit, Ort und Arbeitsmodell
•    ein Büro in Schwabing mit guter Verkehrsanbindung

Fühlst Du Dich angesprochen, dann sende uns bitte Deine Bewerbung unter Angabe Deiner Gehaltsvorstellung an Frau Anna Bühler unter folgender E-Mail-Adresse:

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in Events / 26.05.2023

Robert De Niro in the comedy About My Father – now in cinemas!

This weekend, Robert De Niro returns to cinemas with the comedy About My Father, directed by Laura Terruso.

The hottest comic in America, Sebastian Maniscalco joins forces with legendary Italian-American and two-time Oscar® winner, Robert De Niro (Best Actor, Raging Bull, 1980), in the new comedy About My Father.

The film centers around Sebastian (Maniscalco) who is encouraged by his fiancée (Leslie Bibb) to bring his immigrant, hairdresser father, Salvo (De Niro), to a weekend get-together with her super-rich and exceedingly eccentric family (Kim Cattrall, Anders Holm, Brett Dier, David Rasche).

According to About My Father star and co-screenwriter, Sebastian Maniscalco, “the film is about two different families, from very different socioeconomic backgrounds, colliding during a holiday weekend, before they realize that those differences are what make them unique.”

Maniscalco, a celebrated stand-up comedian, adds that his onscreen persona “is trying to walk a tightrope with his father in bringing him into an environment that is unfamiliar to him.”

When asked about the script, De Niro says, “I saw that it had a personal element from Sebastian's experience, obviously. And, after getting to know Laura Terruso a little bit, I realized her background too. They [Sebastian and Laura] knew the world. They're from the world. So that was an important part of it [the story],” says De Niro.

Early on, De Niro, famed for his immersion in his roles, requested a special read-through of the script with a group of fellow actors. “So, we flew to New York, during the height of the pandemic, and did a table read with him,” Maniscalco describes. “We were all wearing masks, and it was a little weird, but we were glad to do it.”

It also seemed pre-destined for Laura Terruso to direct. The award-winning director, screenwriter and producer had completed a feature film for Netflix, Work It, when the script for About My Father came her way. Her reaction was immediate and unsubtle: “This script made me jump and say, ‘I must direct this movie’ because it felt so personal and universal.”

Terruso’s personal connection to the project comes from her background, which parallel’s Maniscalco’s in significant ways. As she explains, “Sebastian’s father emigrated from Sicily in the 1960s, as did my mother, and we’ve both found our way into comedy.”

Sebastian wrote the movie as a love letter to his father, and for me, it was clearly a love letter to my mother. We really bonded on that level and felt like, okay, we know who and what this is about and that guided all the decision making moving forward.”

About My Father is directed by Laura Terruso and written by Austen Earl & Sebastian Maniscalco.

Prorom will release About My Father this weekend in: Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and in June in Czech Republic and Slovakia.

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in Events / 27.04.2023

How To Survive Without Mum – now in cinemas!

The funniest family returns this weekend at the cinema! How To Survive Without Mum brings Franck Dubosc and Aure Atika back to the cinema, the heroes of the first film 10 Days with Dad from 2020!

Antoine chose to stay at home to take care of his children after he was fired. The roles have been reversed for two years now, and Antoine's energy is beginning to wane in the face of his family's demands.

When the whole family rushes to catch the train to go skiing, his wife is urgently called to her law office, so Antoine is left to fend for himself with their four children running amok on the ski slope...

Director and screenwriter Ludovic Bernard declares that it was somehow easy for him to direct this sequel: "This is my first time doing a sequel. I realized that the approach with the characters is greatly facilitated. We know them because we find them, the actors also know them so there is less hesitation, questions and, as a result, greater freedom of action which is very interesting and which I really liked".

The main actor, Frank Dubosc, declares that the filming was exhausting, but the result was as expected: "It's exhausting. The falls, the waterfalls… You come home at night, you hurt all over and you wonder why you still inflict that on yourself at your age. And the answer comes immediately: to make people laugh, to give pleasure to others and therefore to take it".

How To Survive Without Mum / 10 Jours Encore sans maman stars Franck Dubosc, Aure Atika, Alexis Michalik, Annelise Hesme and can only be seen in cinemas from April 28, distributed by Prorom and Ro Image.

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in Events / 20.04.2023

The Amazing Maurice charmed the audience of Europe

Prorom is very happy to announce that the animation The Amazing Maurice is having a big success in the territories where we operate, especially in Romania where the movie already passed 130.000 admissions.

The Amazing Maurice is directed by Toby Genkel from a screenplay by Terry Rossio, based on the 2001 novel The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett.

This story follows Maurice, a goofy streetwise cat, who has the perfect money-making scam. He finds a dumb-looking kid who plays a pipe and has his very own horde of rats, who are strangely literate.

The Amazing Maurice had its premiere at the Manchester Animation Festival on 13 November 2022, and It had its American premiere at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival.

Prorom released the movie until now in Romania (130,331 admissions), Czech Republic (73,590 admissions), Slovakia (40,111 admissions) and Bulgaria (20,573 admissions), generating a box office result of almost $ 1.5 million (and still counting!).

As of 20 April 2023, The Amazing Maurice has grossed $4.3 million in the United States and Canada, and $15.8 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $20.1 million (source:

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